최근 영어수업 시간에 책을 주제로 대화를 했는데 책과 관련된 관용표현이 많이 있었다. 그래서 배운 관용표현 중 기억하고 싶은 3가지 Book Idiom을 정리해보았다. 사실 더 많이 배웠지만 처음부터 많이 적어도 다 못 보니까 3개만 ㅋㅋ
The oldest trick in the book
a trick, prank, or gimmick so predictable, it should not fool anymore
예) That is the oldest trick in the book, did he really think I would believe that he could pick up a 2000 pound horse?
take a leaf out of someone's book
to copy what someone else does because they are successful at doing it.
남을 본받다, 남을 흉내 내다, 누군가 다른 사람이 하는 것 같은 행동 방법이나 방식을 취하다
예) I want to take a leaf out of my English teacher's book.
To read the fine print
to read carefully, to know all the information that is contained in a large documents, such as a contract
예) Before signing, always make sure to read the fine print.